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Super-Cooler, Reverse-Flow, Silicone Radiator Hoses for the FK8 Civic Type R


ACUITY Instruments
Automotive Parts and Accessories
¥35,869 ¥32,282
Polyester-reinforced silicone construction can handle up to 100F higher underhood temps than OEM rubber hoses Reverse-flow...

Super-Cooler, Reverse-Flow, Silicone Radiator Hoses for the FK8 Civic Type R
  • Polyester-reinforced silicone construction can handle up to 100F higher underhood temps than OEM rubber hoses
  • Reverse-flow design aligns radiator thermal gradient more ideally to help dissipate more heat in demanding conditions
  • Tested to reduce water temps by up to an additional4.5°F (2.5°C) on carsalready equipped with free-flowing grills, upgraded radiator, and vented hoods.
  • Includes superior, German-style hose clamps with rolled edges to safely and securely hold both hoses in place


ACUiTY's Super-Cooler, Reverse-Flow Silicone Radiator Hoses can help your FK8 to run cooler while using superior materials to help better deal with increased underhood temperatures. Byreversing water flow through the radiator, these hosesactually help your FK8 to cool itself more efficiently.

While investigating the overheating issue that affects FK8's in hot conditions, ACUiTY engineers determined that the radiator can reject more heat if the water flow through it is reversed. This is due to how the intercooler rejects heat from charge air and how that heat flows through the lower part of the radiator. In very hot conditions on cars that also have upgrades like hood venting and an upgraded radiator, water temps were reduced by as much as an additional 4.5°F (2.5°C) after installing these hoses. On totally stock cars,temperature reduction is lower, close to 1°F(0.6°C) in hot conditions. In addition to this extra cooling power, the polyester-reinforced silicone construction helps the hoses to handle up to 100F hotter temperatures than the stock EPDM rubber hoses. As an added benefit, the kit includes German-style hose clamps that have formed threads and rolled edges to help protect your radiator hoses from the cutting damage that traditional hose clamps often cause on silicone hoses.Each set comes with 2 silicone radiator hoses and 4 German-style hose clamps.

Below is an illustration that shows an approximation of the temperature gradient on the radiator with the stock water-flow direction and radiator hoses. Note how the hotter part of the radiator (top) is where the cooler air coming through the top grille comes in, while the cooler, lower part of the radiator is where the hotter air exiting the intercooler passes through the radiator. Because the water exiting the radiator is nearly the same temperature as the air entering the bottom of the radiator, this setup can render the lower half of the radiator ineffective in hot climates.

In contrast, below is an illustration that shows an approximation of the temperature gradient on the radiator with ACUiTY's Super-Cooler hoses. By flipping the flow through the radiator, the hotter water is at the bottom, being cooled by the hot air exiting the intercooler, and the colder water exits out the top, where cool air is passing through the radiator after entering through the upper grille. This reversed flow more ideally aligns the radiator thermal gradient with the thermal gradient of the air passing through the radiatorwhich helpsthe radiator to dissipate heat more effectively.

Tech Video

Check out our brief tech video below for the science behind how these hoses help to improve cooling in your FK8.

Install Guide

Click here to access all of ACUiTY's install guide PDFs and install guide videos for this product and many others.



  • 2017-2021 Honda FK8 Civic Type R (10th Gen)
  • Honda Civic Type R TC turnkey race cars (Based on the FK8 Platform)

  • 1x Hot Radiator Hose
  • 1x Short Radiator Hose
  • 4x German-style hose clamps






北海道 送料無料 2,500円 16,000円 22,000円
東 北 送料無料 2,200円 9,000円 18,000円
関 東 送料無料 1,500円 6,000円 1,2000円
中 部 送料無料 1,000円 4,000円 6,000円
近 畿 送料無料 1,000円 4,000円 6,000円
中 国 送料無料 1,000円 4,000円 6,000円
四 国 送料無料 1,000円 4,000円 6,000円
九 州 送料無料 1,500円 6,000円 12,000円
沖 縄 送料無料 2,500円 16,000円 22,000円


例)エアインテークキット、 サイレンサー、 ショートへダースなど




■オーバーウェイト 地域別送料


- 260サイズ(3辺の合計が260cm)を超過している
- 容積重量が80kgを超過している
- その他特殊な事由により特別運賃が掛かる場合

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